
Healthy Halloween....is it possible?

Here is a little tip to help get you through this crazy Halloween.  Set Limits.  Yup.  That's it.  I know it can be a crazy day/night and there are so many fun activities going.  Most of us can't tell ourselves that we aren't going to have ANYTHING fun.  So, instead of trying to "be good" and not eat anything - being crabby or feeling left out or worse - deprived - set your limits before hand.  Make sure you eat healthy food ALL DAY.  Don't skip that healthy breakfast, don't miss out on your needed protein.  Eat your normal healthy meals throughout the day, and when evening comes set your limits BEFORE you head out.  Will you let yourself eat 1, 5, 10?  You be the judge.  Do you not want any candy but LOVE real hot chocolate with a mile of real whipping cream?  Do those cupcakes you KNOW will be at the Halloween party tempt you more than anything else?  Look at what you really want, plan to eat and enjoy it, and stay away from the rest.  Eating throughout the day will help you not eat junk out of hunger, planning will make it so that you don't feel guilty about enjoying your treats, and setting your limits will make sure you have fun but don't regret it the next day.  HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  And most importantly, enjoy it!

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