
Healthy Halloween....is it possible?

Here is a little tip to help get you through this crazy Halloween.  Set Limits.  Yup.  That's it.  I know it can be a crazy day/night and there are so many fun activities going.  Most of us can't tell ourselves that we aren't going to have ANYTHING fun.  So, instead of trying to "be good" and not eat anything - being crabby or feeling left out or worse - deprived - set your limits before hand.  Make sure you eat healthy food ALL DAY.  Don't skip that healthy breakfast, don't miss out on your needed protein.  Eat your normal healthy meals throughout the day, and when evening comes set your limits BEFORE you head out.  Will you let yourself eat 1, 5, 10?  You be the judge.  Do you not want any candy but LOVE real hot chocolate with a mile of real whipping cream?  Do those cupcakes you KNOW will be at the Halloween party tempt you more than anything else?  Look at what you really want, plan to eat and enjoy it, and stay away from the rest.  Eating throughout the day will help you not eat junk out of hunger, planning will make it so that you don't feel guilty about enjoying your treats, and setting your limits will make sure you have fun but don't regret it the next day.  HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!  And most importantly, enjoy it!


Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oatmeal

Last night I decided to try and get a better handle on my morning by prepping a "crockpot breakfast".  After searching pintrest and checking my pantry I adapted this recipe from 365ishpins.com and sweetannas.com

5 cups water
1 cup milk (I did 1/2 milk 1/2 cream)
1 cup pumpkin puree
3/4 brown sugar
2 TBS butter
1 TBS pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
3 cups old fashion oats

Mix everything EXCEPT the oats together in a bowl.  Grease the inside of the crockpot (or use one of those super cool liners) pour in the 3 cups of oats, pour the liquid pumpkin mixture on top.  Turn the crockpot on low and go to bed!

In the morning, stir and serve!

I was extra devilish and served it with Pumpkin Caramel Sauce from Trader Joe's.  YUM.

-Enjoy!  Stacy


November Challenge Group!

I have been so busy trying to get all my social media up and running I almost forgot to post this!!  I'm starting my November challenge group next week.  I know that this time of year everyone gets SO busy, and they usually think that they will just wait until the New Year to start being healthy.  This is CRAZY!  Jump in now and let me help you navigate your way through this crazy holiday season.  I'll show you how to workout and eat right without it taking over your whole schedule.  Then I'll help teach you how to balance your good eating while still allowing you to enjoy the holiday treats GUILT FREE!  How would that be?  How would you like to not feel guilty while eating that pumpkin pie?  Join me in my challenge group and I'll show you how!  This is what you get when you join my challenge group:

World Class at home workouts
Focused nutrition
Meal plans
Tips and tricks to guide you through the Holidays
and MORE

Leave a comment or contact me if you want more info!  stacywilson.coach@gmail.com


\While I have been coaching for several months now, I have finally decided to take my business to the next level.  I LOVE helping those that are around me but I feel so inspired to expand my circle and help other that I may not know personally.  I may not be the most eloquent writer - and in fact quite the opposite.  But my goal isn't to awe the masses, my hope is to help those who are wanting to live a healthier life style.  If you are looking for a change, or know someone else who is I hope you'll join me in my journey to live healthier....even though life is busy.


Body Pump SALE!!

For years I have wanted to try a Body Pump class.  I heard that they are so much fun and you get a KILLER workout.  Unfortunately, by the time I heard about them, I was never able to work it out that I could attend.  After a while I didn't hear much about it anymore, until I saw this Beachbody program. I called a friend who taught Body Pump at a gym a few years back and asked her if this program was anything like the real class and she said YES!  She told me it was very similar, they just got a few of the TOP Body Pump teachers and made a video.  SWEET.  I was so excited to try.  And, just as expected, I LOVE it.  Light weight, high reps, loud "pump" music.  It's a totally great way to burn off a bad day or jump start a great day.  And guess what!  Beachbody just announced that for the last little bit of October, they are going to have it on sale WAHOO!  This three month program, which INCLUDES: a barbell and 2 sets of weights,  nutrition plan, and access to a personal coach, is on sale for less than what most people pay for 2 months at their current gym!  Did I mention that you can also get daily one on one coaching for the length of your program?  If you have ever taken a Body Pump class and LOVED it, or have ever wanted to try one, now is such a great time to give it a GO.  let me know if you are interested, I'd love to help you see if it's the right fit for you!