
Chicken Pesto and Tomato Bake

The other day I was looking for a recipe to bring a friend for dinner,  I wanted something simple yet delicious.  They had a few dietary restrictions so I needed to stick with chicken and when I saw this recipe on pintrest (from thepinningmama )I had to try it out.

Chicken Pesto Tomato Bake

             "To make this takes minutes.  Trim your chicken breast and lay them in a glass baking dish.  Spread about 1-2 tablespoons of prepared pesto (I like the Kirkland brand at Costco, but it all works!) Slice 1-2 roma tomatoes into 1/2″ thick slices and lay them on top of the pesto.  Sprinkle mozzarella (or Italian blend cheese) over the whole thing.  I like to use the Frigo mozzarella and just grate a bit for the top, but to make it even easier just use pregrated.  Bake at 400˚F for 30-40 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through and the juices run clear."

**For once, I actually followed the recipe exactly.  I cut our breasts into pieces since we were feeding children, but other than that it's exactly the same!
My kids LOVED it, my husband LOVED it.  Quick, easy, and if you watch your pesto - a clean eating recipe!  This will be a family go-to for sure!  We served it over tiny pasta but that was only because I didn't know how our friends would like quinoa.  

Try it out and let me know how you like it!  


How to Survive the Holidays

For most moms the thought of the Holidays not only brings excitement and fun but for a lot of us it also is brings thoughts of stress and anxiety.  Life is busy!  Work, school, kids, lunch, dinners, laundry...and then you add in the "fun"!  And while it is fun, and you would sacrifice almost anything to see the joy on your child's face, IT.IS. EXHAUSTING.  So, naturally, to find the time for all the Holiday extras we usually sacrifice ourselves.  We don't need to workout, we don't need to sit and eat (isn't that what the Halloween candy is for?), we don't need sleep.  We can do all of that next month right?  WRONG! While we are over extending ourselves we are missing out on the fun of the Holidays, not only that but once the Holidays are finished where does it usually leave us?  Totally exhausted, counting down the days where the kids go back to school so we can hope to sneak in a nap, and usually with a few extra pounds than when we started.  Well, NOT THIS YEAR!  How can you avoid that this year?  Here is what I suggest: Join my Holiday Challenge Group!  I know, I know, you are thinking how in the world does this crazy lady think that adding MORE to my plate is going to make things better?  Stick with me for a minute and allow me to explain why I would suggest such a crazy thing.

Question/concern:  How would adding MORE to my plate make things better:
A:  As most of you know, for us to take care of others we need to take care of ourselves first.  The whole "fasten your oxygen mask first" sort of thing.  During the holidays we are asking ourselves to do even more - this is SO HARD when you are giving yourself less.  Less nutrition, less sleep, less exercise - which overall gives you LESS ENERGY.  So you tell me, how can you make your body do more, when you are giving it less?

Question/concern:  Starting a new workout makes me so sore, I don't have the time/energy to deal with being sore and tired.
A:  That is why PiYo is SO AMAZING!   This low impact workout not only gives you cardio and strength training but it incorporates stretching into the workouts which lowers soreness. Instead of being done your workout - or waking up the next morning - feeling old and creaky, you will finish these workouts and feel younger with more energy.  So many of my challengers have had less aches and pains once they started PiYo.

Question/concern:  I don't have TIME!
A: Piyo workouts can be done at home and the workouts range from 20-40 min.  In - out - on with your day!  (and not much room is needed!  If you can put down a yoga mat, you have enough room!)

Question/concern:  I know working out will make me feel better but I can't miss out on all the holiday treats.  I'm not willing to sacrifice this delicious time of year.
A:  Me either!  I LOVE the holidays.  Cookies, FUDGE, pies, FUDGE, sweet breads....FUDGE - you get the idea.  The point isn't to deny yourself of all these holiday goodies, we will show you how to balance them into your diet so that you can enjoy them without going over board - and thus allowing you to indulge and NOT feel guilty!  Win- Win.

Question/Concern:  I don't have time to make two different dinners a night, one for me and one for my family.  Will this still work for me?
A:  YES!  I'm a mother of four and DO NOT have time to make 2 dinners.  In our group I will show you simple ideas to help you plan meals you and your family love, all while keeping  in line with your nutrition!  Also, part of the group is replacing one meal a day with Shakeology, this not only gives you all the nutrients your body needs to function at your best, it is super quick and hands down your healthiest meal of the day!

Here is the thing, from one mom to another, I care enough about you to be honest.  The holidays are a crazy time, but I KNOW that if you join me now you will not regret it.  This truly will be your healthiest and HAPPIEST holiday season ever.  Invest in YOU and your whole family will reap the benefits.

Have more questions/concerns of your own?  Email me.
Want to jump in my challenge group?  Fill out an application here!


21 Day Fix Results

Do you ever find that you are working out but not seeing results?  Building muscle and reshaping your body actually has a lot of science behind it, and while most exercise is good for you, burns calories and improves your cardiovascular system,  if you want to have more specific results (no you can't target fat loss) you really should be following some sort of program.  It doesn't matter if you work with a personal trainer, follow an online program or a set of home workout DVD's, all will be able to focus your results.  Any time you try to do a modge podge of workouts, (like hitting random gym classes) without specific focus, you aren't maximizing your bodies, and your muscles, ability to grow and strengthen.  That is one reason I LOVE the Beachbody programs.  With Beachbody I have a personal trainer work with me EVERYDAY.  They have researched the science, they know the best way to get your body moving and when.

Here are the results of my last 21 day fix.  Previously I had slipped into a modge podge of workouts. One day I would do something, they next I would try a gym class or maybe try running.  And as previously stated, while it was still healthy for me, when I was able to focus my workouts I was able to see real results!  If you want to know more about the 21 day fix or any of the programs by some WORLD CLASS trainers, leave a comment and let me know!

*side note I tried my best to make them as similar as possible, both outfits are taken straight out of the dryer, undergarments are the same and while my arms are a little different I tried my best to give an honest and true before and after.  No altering or photoshoping, all images are SOOC.