
Good, Better, Best

Growing up my mother had a quote on the wall that said

This quote can be useful in a LOT of situations and I'm not sure if it's because it was hung in our dining room for a while, or simply because it's been on my mind lately but this is exactly how I feel about meal planning.  Like most things in life we can't take what is good one day and make it the BEST the next.  We need to improve step by step  as we gain confidence, knowledge, and practice we can improve.  So how does this relate to eating clean and health?  I really feel that at the end of the day if you are eating - that is "good". There will be opportunities to take that good meal and make adjustments so that it can be "better" and eventually the "best" but I really think it needs to come in stages.
There are 2 ways to take your meal plans from Good to Better and then Best. One way is to adjust the individual meals themselves. As we go through the week we will talk about it more but here is an example:

Good: Eating Pancakes for breakfast
Why is this good? Because it's great that you are at least eating breakfast.  It's often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and while I think every meal is the most important meal because it helps stabilize your blood sugar and eating regularly keeps you from over eating, breakfast can set the tone for the whole day.  So the fact that you ate it is good!

Better:  Pancakes, Strawberries, Greek Yogurt
Why is this better?  It still gives you (and your family) the wonderful Pancake option but it adds in fruit and a healthy protein which will help balance your "plate" keep you full longer, adds in protein and the vitamins and nutrients of a fruit and the combination of the carb and protein will help keep you full longer.  Also, adding in the options of the strawberries and yogurt should also reduce the amount of pancakes you eat.  Overall you are adding in more healthy options and reducing the sugar and carbs.

Best:  Find a whole wheat healthy pancake recipe.  (maybe a great ricotta cheese one!) top it with fresh berries with a little honey instead of syrup or try using real maple syrup!  Add a side of yogurt or cottage cheese and you are set.  Like the better option adding in the fruit and yogurt will reduce the amount of Pancakes needed and replace the empty carbs with nutrients that will help keep you full, but now you are making the pancakes a healthier option using a whole grain and less sugar by substituting the syrup.

So that is option 1. Slowly taking your foods you are currently eating from "good" to "best". Option 2 is the number of "best" options you provide your family. Right now you may only have a few better or best meals. Maybe you are starting off with 4 good, 2 better and 1 best dinners a week. As you try new recipes and find things that work you can slowly increase your ratio.

Most children aren't going to jump from "good" meals to "best" meals just because you decided to make it healthy. Taste buds and expectations need a little time to adjust, be patient with yourself and your family. Try to improve one meal at a time. Most people don't eat "best meals" every single night. There is moderation in all things and that includes meal planning.

If you'd like help getting your nutrition and meal healthier I'd love to help!  You can always fill out a form here and I will be happy to get in touch!