
Merry Christmas!

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!  Head on over to my Facebook like page for a Christmas gift from me to you!!


10 years later....

10 (almost 10.5) years ago I got married and we knew that having several children would be in our future. I knew that having children would change my body and, listening to advice from others, I knew that it would "never be the same again!" They were right, but I think that for many years I took that too negatively. As I watched my body grow - deflate, grow - deflate, watched my weight fluctuate in between nursing and having children I just learned to accept the "new me" as payment of sorts for being able to have children of my own. A year ago next week my baby turned one and that was my "ah-ha" moment. I knew that I didn't like where I was or what I was doing and that something had to change. I wanted to workout and "get in shape" but honestly thought that since I had children there was only so much I could do. I started with P90X3 and just hoped to feel better. As the months progressed I realized that "they" were right. My body will NEVER be the same as before children, but what I didn't realize is that it could be even BETTER!! While getting the Christmas decorations out I found my wedding dress and decided to see how it fit. I was SO happy to see that I had room to spare! In these pictures I even have my blue jeans an bulky belt on under the dress because I had enough room. Who knew that 10 years and four kids later I would have wiggle room in my wedding dress?!